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Elevate vendor relationship: “The art of keeping suppliers happy”

Do you want to improve your suppliers' relationship but haven't found a strategy yet? Today, we present to you the ABCs to achieve this goal.
Vendor Relationship Best Practices Accounts Payable

Table of Contents

Vendor relationship: benefits and best practices

Building strong relationships with suppliers is vital. Treating them with the same level of care as your clients is essential. By doing so, you can establish lasting partnerships that benefit both parties. These partnerships help you in:

  • Ensuring you receive a high-quality product or service
  • Enjoying the availability of a large number of good suppliers
  • Meeting delivery time
  • Improving the reliability of your supply chain
  • Maintaining a positive brand reputation


So, now that you understand the crucial role of your vendors, you’re probably eager to uncover the best practices to keep them satisfied and thriving. These are the ultimate best practices for unlocking the key to nurturing strong and harmonious relationships with your suppliers according to Dost:

1️⃣  Be clear and honest with vendors: Be responsive and establish clear agreements with your vendors.

2️⃣  Treat suppliers as team members: Try to set a transparent rewards system and effectively communicate it to all your suppliers right from the outset.

3️⃣  Adopt technology to streamline client-vendor relationships: Automating the relationship with your vendors can help you be more responsive in payments, gain their trust, and streamline your overall procurement process. By implementing vendor management software or systems, you can enhance efficiency and reduce manual errors in your interactions with vendors. Start to evaluate the implementation of various tools that can help you automate tasks like data entry, analysis of vendor activities, and feedback collection. Among the solutions that you can check you have:

  • KissFlow: is a procurement software that helps companies to take control of your procure-to-pay process
  • Inventoro: is a software that businesses can use for sales forecasting and inventory management.
  • Dost: in Dost, we simplify and accelerate the supplier invoice process for accounts payable teams

4️⃣  Pay on time, “Be a great customer”: Think about what you love about your customers and do the same for your suppliers! While all these strategies are undoubtedly valuable, it’s important to remember that as a company owner or finance manager, you cannot solely enhance the quality of your relationship with vendors.

5️⃣  Empower your employees: Train your employees through comprehensive education regardless of their numbers on Supplier Relationship Management best practices (all that you read above).


Why is it essential to establish a high-quality relationship with vendors?

When it comes to supplier relationships, stability and mutual respect are extremely important.

Building a strong and lasting connection with your suppliers extends beyond simple transactions. It cultivates a collaborative partnership that fuels growth, sparks innovation, and paves the way for long-term prosperity. By emphasizing stability and mutual respect, you establish a solid foundation for a harmonious and mutually beneficial relationship that stands strong over time. 

Here we will see some of the major objectives of a successful organization. By prioritizing the care of your vendors, you can achieve a range of crucial benefits that are fundamental for boosting your business and ensuring long-term success. These benefits include:

A strong vendor relationship enables clear communication, fostering an understanding of your specific requirements. This collaboration leads to the consistent delivery of high-quality products or services that meet your standards and customer expectations.

When you prioritize building strong relationships with your suppliers, they are more likely to consider your business as a preferred partner. This opens doors to a wider pool of reliable suppliers, providing you with more options to choose from, ensuring competitive pricing, and reducing the risk of supply shortages.

A positive vendor relationship enhances coordination and prompt communication, resulting in accurate delivery timeframes. By understanding each other’s capabilities, potential challenges, and requirements, you can align your operations and maintain a consistent supply chain flow, meeting delivery deadlines consistently.

Strong vendor relationships promote trust and mutual commitment, reducing the likelihood of disruptions or delays in the supply chain. Proactive communication and collaboration enable quick issue resolution, efficient problem-solving, and proactive risk management, ultimately enhancing the reliability and stability of your supply chain

The quality of your products or services often relies on the performance of your suppliers. By building strong relationships and working closely with them, you can ensure consistent quality, timely delivery, and ethical business practices. These factors contribute to a positive brand reputation, reinforcing customer trust and loyalty.


4+1 strategies to keep your vendor happy and satisfied

Now that we all agree that suppliers management is essential to business success, we are ready to explore which are the “Best Practices” a company must implement to keep vendors satisfied and establish a long-term relationship with them:

1. Set clear communication

Establish regular channels of communication with your vendors to foster open and transparent communication. Look for communication platforms like Google WorkspaceConfluence, or Slack, where you can easily share communications, plans, and files with your suppliers. This enables efficient collaboration and ensures that everyone is on the same page regarding expectations, updates, and changes.

Respond to vendor inquiries, requests, and messages in a timely manner. Prompt communication demonstrates your commitment and respect for their time and helps maintain a productive working relationship.

Emphasize the importance of working together as partners to achieve mutual success. Encourage open dialogue, active listening, and the exchange of ideas. By fostering a collaborative environment, you create a space where vendors feel valued and motivated to contribute to help improve processes and achieve common goals.

Whenever possible, document agreements, terms, and expectations in writing. Do that after every negotiation on prices, quantities, delivery schedules, and payment terms! his helps prevent misunderstandings and provides a reference point for both parties to refer back to if any issues or disputes arise

Assess vendor performance on an ongoing basis. Monitor key metrics (we already talked about this!), such as quality, timeliness, and adherence to agreements. Provide constructive feedback and discuss areas for improvement, if necessary. This evaluation process helps maintain accountability and encourages vendors to strive for excellence.

2. Give Prizes to “best suppliers”

Establish specific criteria or metrics that vendors need to meet in order to be eligible for prizes or rewards. Clearly communicate these criteria to your suppliers so they understand the expectations and can work towards achieving them. This helps create a level playing field and encourages healthy competition among vendors.

Consider offering a variety of rewards to accommodate different vendor preferences and motivations. Understand the preferences of your vendors: some may appreciate financial incentives, while others might value non-monetary rewards such as recognition, certificates, plaques, public recognition through testimonials/case studies, or exclusive partnership opportunities.

Whenever possible, personalize the rewards to make them more meaningful and memorable. Take into consideration the individual characteristics, interests, or preferences of each vendor when selecting or designing rewards.

After giving prizes or rewards, seek feedback from vendors to understand their experience and gather suggestions for improvement. This feedback can provide valuable insights into the effectiveness of the rewards program and help you make necessary adjustments.

3. Adopt technology to streamline vendor relationship

These platforms facilitate collaboration and information sharing between you and your vendors. They typically include features such as shared document repositories, real-time communication tools, and project management capabilities, enabling seamless collaboration and enhancing transparency.

EDI enables the electronic exchange of business documents, such as purchase orders and invoices, between you and your vendors. This streamlines communication, reduces errors and speeds up transaction processing.

Utilizing analytics and reporting tools allows you to track vendor performance, measure key metrics, and identify areas for improvement. You can proactively address any issues and optimize the relationship by gaining insights into vendor performance.

Implementing online vendor feedback platforms allow you to gather feedback from your vendors, enabling open and transparent communication.

Account payables software, like Dost, can help your accounting department to streamlines processes, improve data accuracy, and collect valuable analytics, all contributing to stronger management relationships with suppliers.

VMS platforms leverage AI algorithms to automate and optimize various aspects of vendor management, such as vendor selection, performance evaluation, contract management, and payment processing.

4. Pay on time: «Be a Great Customer»

To avoid confusion or disputes, it’s essential to clearly outline the terms of payment in your agreements or contracts with suppliers. Specify the due date, acceptable payment methods, and any applicable discounts or penalties for early or late payments. By establishing clear payment terms from the outset, both parties can align their expectations and minimize any potential misunderstandings.

Implement efficient payment processes to minimize delays and errors. Manual handling of invoices and payments can be time-consuming and prone to human errors. Consider using accounting software or payment automation tools to streamline invoice processing, approval workflows, and payment execution. These tools can automate repetitive tasks, ensure accuracy, and provide visibility into the payment status, allowing you to manage payments more efficiently.

Effective cash flow management is essential for meeting your financial obligations, including timely supplier payments. Monitor your cash flow closely and plan your payments accordingly. By maintaining a clear understanding of your financial position and expected cash inflows and outflows, you can ensure that you have sufficient funds available to make timely payments to vendors. Implementing cash flow forecasting techniques can help you anticipate any potential cash flow gaps and take proactive measures to address them.

Maintaining well-organized and up-to-date records is essential for efficient payment management. Implement a robust record-keeping system to track invoices, payment receipts, and any related correspondence. By keeping records in order, you can quickly access and retrieve relevant information when needed, avoiding delays and ensuring accurate payment processing. It also helps to maintain good communication with suppliers, as you won’t have to waste their time by requesting them to resend documents or provide additional information.

5. Empower your employees with suppliers management

Develop training programs specifically focused on supplier management. These programs can cover a wide range of topics, including vendor selection, delivery times, negotiation strategies, and effective communication skills. By providing your employees with the necessary knowledge and skills, you enable them to make informed decisions and engage in productive interactions with suppliers. Training programs can also ensure consistency and alignment across your organization when it comes to supplier management practices.

Create comprehensive documentation, guidelines, and resources that employees can refer to for information on supplier management processes, policies, and best practices. These resources can serve as a reference point for employees, especially when dealing with complex supplier relationships or unique situations. By centralizing this information, you promote standardization and enable employees to access the necessary information whenever they need it. This empowers them to navigate supplier management challenges more effectively.

Encourage collaboration and knowledge-sharing among different departments involved in supplier management, such as procurement, finance, and operations. By fostering cross-departmental collaboration, you promote a holistic approach to supplier management. Employees from different departments can share insights, perspectives, and experiences, leading to a more comprehensive understanding of supplier needs and challenges. This collaboration can also facilitate the identification of opportunities for process improvement and innovation in supplier management practices.

Supplier management is a dynamic field, and it’s important to foster a culture of continuous learning and improvement within your organization. Encourage employees to stay updated on industry trends, emerging technologies, and evolving best practices in supplier management. This can be achieved through ongoing training, participation in industry conferences or webinars, and the exploration of relevant publications or resources. By fostering a culture of continuous learning, you equip your employees with the knowledge and skills to adapt to changing supplier dynamics and drive improvements in supplier relationships.

What are we saying?

Building and nurturing strong relationships with vendors is crucial for the success and growth of any organization. By treating vendors with the same level of care as clients, businesses can establish lasting partnerships that yield numerous benefits that directly drive to save time and money.

To achieve these benefits, implementing best practices is essential. Starting from now, when you’re referring to your suppliers remember to establish clear communication with all of them and recognize and incentivize those who excel and demonstrate outstanding performance; try leveraging technology in order to automate processes, this will lead you not only to save money but also to increase the accuracy of your data!

Finally, remember to pay vendors on time in order to forcefully chain reliability, and don’t forget to inform your employees on Supply Relationship Management’s best practices, this could be crucial to you and your business.

If you found these tips useful you can easily find more posts by visiting our Blog or you can directly contact us by typing email your corporate email at the bottom of the page!


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